Who We Are
Who We Are
Saddle Up Radio Mission Statement: A station for the Gospel Country artists! Those artists that need a radio station for their music 24/7. A radio station that will be there for their listeners and will bring their message in music to the rest of the world. A station that will tell the world about Jesus and what he has done and what he can and will do for them one song at a time.
Don’t forget to get your Saddle Up Radio free APP for your favorite iPhone, Android, Amazon, or other mobile devices. As always Saddle Up Radio is a Ministry First Radio Station.
Our Vision -- Our Mission
Saddle Up Radio Mission Statement: A station for the Gospel Country artists! Those artists that need a radio station for their music 24/7. A radio station that will be there for their listeners and will bring their message in music to the rest of the world. A station that will tell the world about Jesus and what he has done and what he can and will do for them one song at a time.
Don’t forget to get your Saddle Up Radio free APP for your favorite iPhone, Android, Amazon, or other mobile devices. As always Saddle Up Radio is a Ministry First Radio Station.
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